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4 Day Guam National Guard Medical Mission Helps Nearly 13,000 in Philippines

放大字体  缩小字体 Post date:2013-04-24  来源:Pacific News Center  Views:342
Tips:Guam- The Guam National Guard's Medical Detachment team recently returned home after teaming up with the Armed Forces of
 Guam- The Guam National Guard's Medical Detachment team recently returned home after teaming up with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and other health officials to treat over 12,800 people.
The 4 day medical mission in the Philippines was part of a Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) that has been ongoing between both military forces for the last few years. The joint group provided dental procedures, family medical consultations, circumcisions, minor surgeries and optometry services at four locations in the cities of San Pedro and Binan.
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Unit Commander Major Sheila Compton-Rivo says the mission is part of their annual training and she appreciated the cooperation of local city officials in bringing health providers to help them.
“Local government organizations have been very welcoming to us and they brought providers to help us,” said Compton-Rivo. “The AFP, Army, Air Force, Navy...they're all here and they're all working hand in hand with us. It's a great subject matter expedition.”
HM3 Milquella Otero is from U.S. Naval Hospital Guam and mentions this was her first medical mission ever. She says she found the experience to be exhausting, but very rewarding.
“I must tell you, it's been an eye opener to see how many people come out to these things and appreciate all the help that we give them,” said Otero. “And I can't wait to do it again. This is our last day and it's been 4 days of hard, hard work. And I love it.”
The Guam Guard medical missions are conducted through the State Partnership Program (SPP) to help strengthen the relationship between the United States and the Philippines. The program is sponsored by the Department of Defense (DOD) and administered through the National Guard Bureau (NGB).
Read Guam National Guard Release Below:
GUARNG MEDDET Joint Team Conduct AT in RP, Helps Treat Close to 13,000
(Laguna, Philippines) – The norm was long, hot and humid days, and thousands of patients flocking through the makeshift treatment rooms in school buildings.
But the personal reward of being able to help those who were ailing and who truly needed their assistance, was what kept the joint group of medical professionals from the Philippines and U.S. forces going through the four-day medical mission.
A joint group of medical professionals with the Guam Army National Guard (GUARNG) Medical Detachment (MEDDET) returned home last week after spending several days in the Philippines supporting Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) medical teams and local health officials in treating over 12,800 residents.
The mission was part of a Medical Subject Matter Expert Exchange (SMEE) that has been on-going between the two forces over the last few years. Members of the GUARNG MEDDET have been participating in SMEEs conducted through the State Partnership Program (SPP), in support of the AFP.
However, this was the first time the Guam Guard medical unit has conducted a SMEE over a four-day period, according to MAJ Sheila Compton-Rivo, GUARNG MEDDET unit commander.
“The reception has been great. We’ve had a lot of good cooperation from the local barangay officials and from the Mayor’s office. Local government organizations have been very welcoming to us and have brought (health) providers to help us,” said Compton-Rivo.
The joint team visited four locations in the cities of San Pedro and Binan, both in the province of Laguna, about an hour’s drive north of the Philippine capital city of Manila.
The team from Guam was a joint group, with 26 medical professionals from the GUARNG Medical Detachment, including doctors, nurses and other medical staff, with support staff from the GUARNG Element and 105th Troop Command. They were joined by four medical professionals from the U.S. Naval Hospital Guam, and eight from the 624th Aeromedical Staging Squadron, U.S. Air Force Reserve, based in Hawaii.
The types of treatment provided to the residents at both towns included dental procedures, family medical consultations, minor surgeries, circumcisions and vision exams. Following the vision exams, reading glasses, sunglasses and eye drops were given out to the patients.
It was the first medical mission ever for HM3 Milquella Otero from the U.S. Navy Hospital Guam.
“It’s been an eye opener to see how many people come out to these things and appreciate all the help that we give them. And I can’t wait to do it again... It’s been four days of hard, hard work and I love it,” Otero said.
She said her other shipmates were, like her, excited to be part of the mission. And despite the hard work and being exhausted at the end of the day, she said they wake up the next day wanting to do it again.
“It’s very rewarding. I’m a corpsman. I love taking care of people. This is what I love to do and this is why I do it,” Otero added.
Volunteers from a variety of local health care related organizations joined in the combined medical mission at both locations. These included the Perpetual Help College, which brought its clinical instructors and nursing students, and local health professionals. In Biñan, the city’s Emergency Response Unit (ERU) was also key to preparing the sites by clearing the rooms, setting up chairs and tables from the Mayor's office, cleaning up and transferring equipment to the second site. They were also on standby at all times to assist in operations.
Binan Central Elementary School Principal Jovito M. Barcenas, said the joint medical mission has been a great help to the residents of the city.
“Most especially (for) those who are old and do not have enough money to visit the doctors for their check-up, it’s a great help,” Barcenas said.
He said his teachers and staff members were more than willing to assist and give their time for the medical mission at his school, which was held on a national holiday.
“I know that some of them had a lot of reservations… because it was a holiday. But for the sake of our community, we need to serve the people,” he said. Barcenas noted that from his staff’s point of view, the overall health of the residents also affects the school in some way.
At all the medical mission sites, the combined medical team started treating residents from about 7 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Missions like these, conducted, through the SPP also, help strengthen positive relations between the Republic of the Philippines and the U.S. The SPP is a Department of Defense sponsored program administered by the National Guard Bureau (NGB), partnering Guard units from different states with selected countries for nation building, among other projects. The Philippines is the Guam Guard’s partner state.

Keyword: 菲律宾

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