Ipoh White Coffee & 3 In 1 White Coffee

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Location: Asean Malaysia
  Mr. Gin Chong Aw Yon    Contact Now 询价
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Product Detail

Product detail:Welcome to Coffee Malaysia! We are the manufacturer and exporter of Malaysia style White Coffee. We are manufacturing and exporting high quality White Coffee, Instant white coffee, 3 in 1 white coffee, and other coffee related products to every part of the world. Our coffee origins from Ipoh (An old town), Malaysia. People know it as "IPOH WHITE COFFEE".

What is IPOH WHITE COFFEE? IPOH WHITE COFFEE is traditional style white coffee of Malaysia (traditional taste). WHITE COFFEE is first created from a small old town of Malaysia, called IPOH, so Malaysian call it as IPOH WHITE COFFEE. The taste is good and different than other coffee from other countries. It taste so good that many foreigner or traveller will buy some when they visit Malaysia. The taste can be accepted by everyone around the world

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