cheap wholesale virgin remy brazilian weave hair style ombre hair extension in mixed color

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Price: 360.00
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Update: 2013-12-18
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mixedcolorVirgin Brazilian hair Top QualityMixed Colour Virgin Brazilian hair Brazilian hair1.It can be reused and wear for long time.2. It can be blend beautifully with your own hair with no tangles issue. 3. It can be dyed to light color (4->2->1B->1).4. Its texture can be kept after washing. Human hair Length: 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22", 24", 26", 28", 30” SizeCMSizeCM8 inch20cm20 inch50cm10 inch25cm22 inch55cm12 inch30cm24 inch60cm14 inch35cm26 inch65cm16 inch40cm28 inch70cm18 inch45cm30 inch75cmGeneral Care:Improper wash or process probably make the hair dry, easy to fall down or tangle. How you care for your extension will be the ultimate determining factor. Please refer to local professional hairdresser for professional tip. The hair can last at least several month in proper way1) wash it by the most mild shampoo or one specially formulated for chemically treated hair, and clean in warm water as well. Please use the shampoo recommended by local professional hairdresser.2) comb the wet hair gently by a large toothed comb and drying naturally is best.3) please straighten hair if hair extension is straight when it is wet ; please gel hair if it is wavy. 4) don`t blow hair root too nearly by dryer; don`t grasp hair root when washing.5) don`t cover hair extension under the sun in a long time.6) don`t swim wearing hair extension.

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