Buy Mill Scale 70-68%

Specification Detail:
Place of Origin: Indonesia
Valid until: Long term
Last Updated: 2024-02-12 01:00
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We need real seller who has past records to show us, who can issue SCO on company letter head signed and sealed. If any scam from the seller, we have the proof for buyer to take action.Mill Scale 70-68%. Payment term and other refer above coal. Qty from 2000 and upPayment is always non-transferrable LC at sight 95% or 98% and 5% or 2% after CIQ in China. Some buyer accepts 95%+5%. Performance bond 2% non-operative is always issued by seller first, and buyer will only issue non-transferrable operative LC upon receipt of seller 2%PB and activate said PB automatically. Most of Chinese does not believe seller is capable of issuing 2%PB after receipt of buyer LC. One more thing, inspection at loading port is CCIC if there is such inspection company and in China is CIQCommission never is only 1 dollar, this is nonsense. And real seller won't care how much you get as long you can sell. Otherwise this seller can't be trusted that he is willing to sell.
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