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Nanjing Tianao Medical Instruments Manufacturer Co., Ltd.

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 Nanjing Tianao Medical Instruments Manufacturer Co., Ltd.


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Nanjing Tianao Medical Instruments Manufacturer Co., Ltd. established in 1998, is a manufacturer of medical trolleys. We offer a wide range of quality trolleys including rescue trolleys, emergency trolleys, delivery trolleys and medical records trolleys. Our factory covers about 20,000 square meters and can also produce patented medical instruments in addition to our quality trolleys. We are proud to offer our Disposable Anesthetic Exhaust Absorbers and our Anesthetics Gas Absorbers. Already, these products are used in many hospitals throughout the country. Using advanced technology, we have been developing superior medical trolleys, with better form and function. And with the leadership of our General Manager Mr. Changjie Li and his team of senior managers, we are confident in our ability to continue our growth and expand our market share. We welcome you to take a closer look at our current lineup and hope that you will choose our brand of competitively priced quality products. Please feel free to send us your inquiries and we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
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