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CV Shaan Furniture

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 CV Shaan Furniture


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Shaan Furniture is one of prominent manufacturer of quality plantation teak casual and garden furniture. We only produce exceptionally high quality klin-dried teak furniture meant for life time.
Here are the words from our TEAM
We manufacture teak garden furniture, teak indoor furniture and patio cushions at our own premises, fully factory made and export to all major markets. Since we started the company has grown to become one of the well known supplier of teak furniture products. The reason for this success has been our high quality standards, precise delivery planning, competitive pricing and response to our clients feedback. Growing, investing and Innovating. Those qualities distinguished us from rest of the teak furniture manufacturers.
The company is growing at a rapid pace managed by highly qualified staff with effective systems and structure. We have modern machinery, kiln dry chambers and above all experienced staff. With its dedicated team who are highly motivated, experienced, service oriented and a highly reliable group of contract manufacturers we aim to become one of the leading manufacturers of teak furniture products from Indonesia.
Our strategy is simple: Create good quality furniture at lowest possible cost and offer them at very competitive prices to our clients. We compromise nothing with quality yet we stick to our main principle of efficiency. We do not stop here. We guarantee our products for one whole year against any manufacturing defect. Machine-made quality teak furniture doesn't have to be expensive and we have already proven that teak furniture factory made products can be made competitively as compared to hand made teak outdoor furniture. We seek to share these benefits with all entrepreneurial companies and individuals who share the same philosophy.

We do what we are best at: Manufacturing quality teak furniture products and let our partners bring these products to our customers. We believe in partnerships, collaboration and effective communication. We provide all necessary support to our clients which enables them to market these products in their region. Big or small, new or existing you are ensured to get the same attention and service because we believe that each client has special needs and deserves special attention. We pride ourselves in providing un - matching service to client needs in this industry.

You are invited to join us in this effort of bringing quality factory made teak furniture to the world made from plantation teak only.

The Icon behind this Mantra is Firdous Ahmad Bhat
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