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Calibeur Test & Measurement Co., Ltd.

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 Calibeur Test & Measurement Co., Ltd.


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We are the largest manufacturer of DIY testers in China. Our extensive line of testing and measurement tools now includes alcohol breath testers, ultrasonic distance measurers, metal detectors, wood moisture testers, home swimming pool water testers, sound level meters, battery checkers, thermometers, multimeters and circuit testers. Providing one-stop service for customers, from conceptual design through prototyping and mass production, we utilize our expertise and technologies to fulfill customer requirements on both OEM and ODM projects. Our aim is to provide you with creative and innovative solutions that meet your specific needs. Emphasizing innovation and teamwork, every stage of the development process combines creation and computerization to ensure that final products exactly meet your requirements, while remaining reasonably priced. Our products have been well received by large and small corporations all over the world. Providing excellent quality, low prices and efficient service, please contact us for more information.
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