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thin film distillation

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 thin film distillation


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 Add cooling water into the enrichment facilities
(1) than suddenly loses power to the vacuum pan thin film distillation vacuum system. At this time and not timely closed steam, destroy the pot of the vacuum, vacuum cooling water system will pour into the cooling equipment.
(2) is not in normal operation order (the first vacuum device damage after equipment power outage pan vacuum), make the vacuum inside the pot the instant higher than that of vacuum system, cooling water is poured out.
(3) the sudden failure of the vacuum system of vacuum equipment pumping rate fell sharply, in this case, the measures are not taken to break the pot of vacuum, cooling water will flow backward.
The heating surface of coke
(1) the equipment within the material is insufficient, the heating surface is not completely immersed in open the steam valve materials, N, N - dimethyl - 1, 3 - propylene amide complete physical and chemical properties. The heated surface exposure and coking. Heating steam pressure during the process of production disruptions of sudden increase and the sudden changes in the operating conditions in the process of wiped film evaporator production may lead to serious heating heating surface.
(2) don't operated according to the order of the parking, do not close before heating steam valve, vacuum, first make the material level drops, causing surface heat burning.
(3) is less than the amount of material in the normal running of the feed and evaporation
By membrane distillation is the material liquid by membrane distillation tube box on the heating chamber, the liquid distribution and film forming device, even within the assigned to each heat exchange tube, under the action of gravity and vacuum induction and airflow, into homogeneous membrane flow from top to bottom. The shell side of the flow in the process, by heating medium heating vaporization wiped film distillation and separation of the steam produced from the liquid into the evaporator chamber, the vapour liquid after the separation, steam into by membrane distillation condensation (single-effect operation) or into the next effect evaporator as a heating medium, so as to realize multiple effect, liquid discharge by the separation chamber. By membrane distillation is widely used in medicine, food, chemical industry, light industry sectors such as water or organic solvent solution evaporation concentration, membrane distillation and the treatment of waste liquid above can be widely used in industry. Especially suitable for heat-sensitive materials, the equipment for continuous operation under the condition of vacuum low temperature, high evaporation capacity, saving energy and reducing consumption, low operation cost, and can guarantee the invariance in the evaporation process.
Maintenance of evaporator usually adopt "wash effect" (also known as washing furnace) method, namely the cleaning dirt evaporation. Different types of evaporator under different operation conditions of scale is different, so according to the production practice and experience, on a regular basis to wash effect. The length of the wash effect cycle closely related to production intensity and the steam consumption. So should pay special attention to the operation quality and prolong the wash cycle. Wash effect method is divided into big wash and wash.
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