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High quality feed grade Astaxanthin Krill oil in hot sale
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Brand: aa 
Price: 150.00USD/ 
MOQ: 1  
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Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2016-07-02 05:36  Valid to:Long-term effective

1. Introduction:

Astaxanthin krill oil

Krill Oil is extracted from Krill living deep within the waters surrounding the Antarctic, it has been dried, extracted, filtrate, separated, purified concentrated and refined. Krill are very small, shrimp like crustaceans found in open seas throughout the world. Research from the scientific and medical communities confirms the incredible effects this oil can have in promoting heart and joint health, lowered cholesterol, improved moods and comfort during menstruation. When addressing holistic health, krill oil is literally a miraculous discovery within the Omega-3 industry.

Astaxanthin krill oil uses antarctic krill as its main material, it has been dried, extracted, filtrate, separated, purified concentrated and refined.

There is an incredibly powerful antioxidant found in Krill Oil known as Astaxanthin. Astaxanthin, quite easy to spot as it is a carotenoid that makes itself known in the pink color found in shrimp, salmon and krill.

Astaxanthin, however, is known to be the strongest antioxidant in the caretonoid family, easily battling away and quenching free radicals as they try to attack cellular health. Each caplique contains more antioxidant power than Vitamin A, Lutein, Vitamin E, Lycopene and many more! In fact, astaxanthin is one of the few nutrients that has the rare ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and deliver essential nutrients throughout the body-- astaxanthin also fights off free radicals that lead to cell damage.



Astaxanthin krill oil mainly contains three ingredients: phospholipid, natural antioxidant—astaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acid

feed grade Astaxanthin Krill oil Favorable price,
high quality Bulk stock,
prompt delivery
Purity 5% -99%
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