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update time: 2023-07-11 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective

HiGOAT Instant Goat's Milk Powder (15 sachet x 21gm) A delicious, tasty goat's milk drink no goaty taste.

HiGOAT Instant Goat's Milk Powder

1 box = 15 sachet (21gm each)


A delicious, tasty goat's milk drink no goaty taste. Packed with  proteins, enzymes and minerals that's vital for health wellbeing.


Good for digestion

Goat's Milk has minute protein and fat molecules, soft and more digestible compared to Cow's Milk. It's very good for diets of babies and adults with digestive problems. The minute size of its molecules and antacidic properties makes it very useful for curing ulcers and gastritis.


Suitable even for Lactose Intolerants

Being easy to digest, lactose in goat's milk can flow smoothly in your intestine as it has 7% lower lactose compared to Cow's Milk. Its really good for children with lactose intolerance.


Goat's Milk is alcaline

Goat's Milk has an alcaline pH, therefore, will not generate acids in your blood or intestines. It in fact neutralizes acids in your body. Excessive acids in the body can lead to headaches, body & muscle aches, weight loss, imbalance sugar level, lethargy and high blood pressure.


Goat's Milk has good fatty acids

Goat's Milk has good fatty acids (capric and caprilic acids) that prevents fungal infections. These acids also helps fortify the body and increase energy levels. Goat's Milk also do not produce cyst as such of Cow's Milk.


Goat's Milk is rich in Selenium

The high content of Selenium in Goat's Milk enhances the immune system of human body cells and also acts as an anti-oxidant. Goat's Milk also naturally fights viruses and prevent it from multiplying.


Goat's Milk is rich in Bio-organic Sodium

Goat's milk has high Bio-organic Sodium content, a well known element in naturopathic treatment, whereby it acts as an anti-ageing element. Bio-organic Sodium can also treat Rheumatoid Arthritis (joint inflammation)


Goat's Milk is a natural miracle health food

Goat's Milk naturally stops dangerous organism reproduction in the body, which makes us healthier. The high potassium and calcium content as well as the low sodium level in Goat's milk lower the blood pressure level and helps the function of the liver. Goat's milk also has riboflavin that enhances your energy level and can also treat asthma, eczema, colic, insomnia and yellow fever. The high silicon and flourine content can prevent diabetes and goat's milk also has anti-cancer factors.


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