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Germany Clay Roof Tile
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Price: Negotiable 
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Delivery time: From the date of payment from the buyer within days of delivery
update time: 2024-06-06 01:00  Valid to:Long-term effective

KARTHAGO tiles are pantiles with horizontal partition seam that combines a new interlocking technique with the most straightforward laying methods. The extremely prominent joints, which form an uncomplicated straight line, produce alternating fissures and alrge internal cavities, known as fluidic seal. This kind of seal provides the KARTHAGO with a large amount of head-groove play of approx. 10 mm, which in turn makes it possible to vary the covering length between approx. 33.0 and 34.0 cm when laying, depending on requirements. This means that existing battens can be used without any alternations having to be carried out. In certain circumstances, existing rafters do not even have to be shortened or lengthened. This makes the KARTHAGO the dieal roofing tile for renovations and roof replacement.


Although there is a lot of headgroove play, this is not a disadvantage, in contrast to other pantiles of a similar design, since there are no visual alterations in the convex section, no matter whether the head end is butted or drawn. Of particular significance for the tile's tightness is the web on the interlocking joint towards the head end. This is itself covered by a rib on the underside of the joint at the bottom of the next tile, so that the four-tile corner bond is sealed hermetically. In addition, there is a stacking point on the web that prevents slanted packs of tiles sliding from the roof. In the case of steeper roofts, the elegantly undulating KARTHAGO tile can be used to maximum architectural effect. However, the innovative interlocking system and the flat middle plane also make it possible to use KARTHAGO tiles on very low-pitched roofs with furring. This modern "historial" tile is complemented by a select range of special tiles.


To sum up, we can say that thanks to the application of the latest technical design principles, the KARTHAGO tiles is easy to lay and still interlocks tightly. This tile is a technically perfect solution for attractive, modern roof designs that retain their charm.

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