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Qingdao human hair wig products natural wave human hair u part wig long hair virgin u part wigs
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Product: Qingdao human hair wig products natural wave human hair u part wig long hair virgin u part wigs 
Price: $800.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 21people have paid attention
Update: 2013-12-18
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Product Name: Qingdao human hair wig products natural wave human hair u part wig long hair virgin u part wigs Q1. How long will the hair last? A: The hair will last up to a year but can last much longer with proper treatment and care. Constant heat styling, coloring, and improper care will significantly shorten the life span of the hair.Q2:Why are my hair extensions getting tangled? Your Hair Extensions can tangle due to dryness, oil & dirt build-up, salt water, chlorine and not combing (wide tooth comb) out your hair daily. Suggestions: 1.Make sure to wash & condition your hair at least once a week, twice a week is better. 2.Use hydrating drops or consult your stylist for more help. Q3.Can they be straightened, curled? A: Yes you can use hair straighter or hair curler to style the virgin hair. But don't do it too frequently, or the hair will easy to get dry and tangle. Q4: Why the colors of hair extensions don`t seems exactly as the pictures show or description says? A: Different monitor have different displays. The same color number may have a little color difference. B: Different angles, different light could affect the pictures. C:color chart various from company to company Q5. How is the length of the hair measured? A: Straight hair is measured in its natural state, but our wavy and curly hair is measured when stretched out. Note: 1. When ordering wavy hair, you may consider ordering 2 inches longer to accommodateyour length. Note: 2. When ordering curly hair, you may consider ordering 4-6 inches longer to accommodate your desired length.