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Women with long hair can be used silicone waterproof swimming cap bubble cap non
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Product: Women with long hair can be used silicone waterproof swimming cap bubble cap non 
Price: $34.76
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
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Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 30people have paid attention
Update: 2013-11-26
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Detail Info
Model Number:
Product Description Swimming cap wearing styles:

(1) along the middle of the swimming cap polyline for the palm of your hand and try to swim cap distraction.

Front above the set into the top of the head, until all set into.

3 ears at the swimming cap can pull up some. (If you want the ears to the drop-down)

4. The forehead, Naoshao ear coming into the hat hair.

5 Some brands of swimming cap factory, with talc protection, to prevent oxidation or bonding swimming cap, which is a normal phenomenon,can be cleaned with water.

Swimming cap washing and maintenance:

Silicone swimming cap flexibility, but should avoid excessive force should be avoided scratch by sharp objects (such as nails, hair clips, keys, etc.).

2, rinse with water can be, do not use hot water or washing liquid.

(3) After cleaning, ventilated place to dry, avoid exposure.

4 girls with long hair, the hair should be Zhaqi, then wear a swimming cap. Do not use hair clips, to avoid scratched swimming cap.

Idle for a long time swimming cap, bonding may occur. The proposed collection of folding swim cap sandwiched between sheets of paper. Ifthe swimming cap has adhesive, soaked with water for 10 minutes, you can gently pull (Do not pull).