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Phoebe Elves Figurines Recording Plush Electronic Pet Toys Talking Mini Toy
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Product: Phoebe Elves Figurines Recording Plush Electronic Pet Toys Talking Mini Toy 
Price: $78.00
Brand: empty
Location: China
Sales: sold total of0pieces,0orders
Comment: 0comments
Inventory: 100pieces
Popularity: 28people have paid attention
Update: 2013-11-26
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Detail Info
Item Type:
Stuffed & Plush
Age Range:
> 6 years old
Product Description Phoebe elves, very can phoebe elf, you touch the left flank, she will speak to you, you touch it right back, she will speak to you, you touch her head, she also can say to you, you touch her breast, she also can speak to you, have you taken her left foot, she will talk, taken at the foot of her right, she also speak, taken her tail, and talk to her, and gave du, can the recording, a doodle two, end of the tape, then release the recording, in the process of pronunciation, mouth move, accompanied by ear flap, feet around shaking makes body shaking! When you talk to her, she said to himself since he started to don't want to say a few words, she want to go to bed at this time, began to yawn, then after several loud yawn snoring, snoring fell asleep after a few sound, electricity, the power to do, it doesn't matter, you can taken her feet, she was afraid of itch, so it can be awakened! OK, it's so fun. That's interesting, I like! With her, I won't be lonely!   18*15.5*20CM