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Company Profile
"TOTALIFE" means the perfect life and this is what spurs mankind forward.
We believe in achieving the equilibrium of physical and mental health, as well as
Economic wealth.
At Totalife, we achieve this by holding steadfast to the balance of harmony,
Nature and environment. Our mission is to create progressive careers that
Promote health and nurture the perfect lifestyle while protecting the environment.
To make your life better and more meaningful.
To promote the spirit of collective entrepreneurship, enhance the quality of life, which is to create quality in health, success and happiness.
To nurture rewarding, world-class careers founded upon physical and inner health.
--> Excellence
Leading the way in the direct selling arena and producing excellent results.
--> World-class standards
Creating business opportunities worldwide.
--> Maintaining physical and inner health
Providing quality nutrition that nurture and maintain great health. Always promoting. A healthy lifestyle towards a positive, proactive and entrepreneurial lifestyle.
--> Direct selling business opportunity
Our business is based upon entrepreneurship qualities. We strive to support our business partners through dedicated distribution centers, thereby bridging the gap with the consumers and customers.
We focus on the purification and slimming maintenance market, providing additional support in the form of nutrition benefits that enhance that enhance the immune system to protect the body from ailments, as well as promoting organic beauty.
We also emphasize on the Totalife vocation, which helps entrepreneurs to plan their respective career paths. This is achieved via professional training and working as an integrated team to realize our mission and vision.
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