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Qingdao Jinhangtong Trade Co., Ltd.

Company Profile

 Qingdao Jinhangtong Trade Co., Ltd.


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Company Profile
Newly established in 2003, Qingdao Jinhangtong Trade Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive foreign trade corporation based in Shandong Province. Although the exportation is our main business, we also import, process and assemble supplied products, and process samples. Our main products include dehydrated and frozen fruits and vegetables, dehydrated seafood, fried and cooked foods, fresh vegetables, and hats. We export to the North American, South American, Western European, Middle Eastern, and Asian markets. Our goal is to continue to provide first-class service and high-quality products while expanding our trading relationships with businesses worldwide. If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to cooperating with you soon.
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