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Hengda Perforated Metal Factory

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 Hengda Perforated Metal Factory


Main Product:Speaker Grille,Perforated SS Tube,Aluminum Perforated Strips,Balustrade Panels

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 Hengda is a full service manufacturer of perforated metal sheets and coils, also fabricated perforated metal products for various uses.

We have imported advanced machinery from Germany and Japan for Laser cutting metal sheet, digital control perforation, precision leveling of sheet, bending welding, painting finishes. We produce perforated coils in a wide range of width, aluminum perforated coils, galvanized perforated sheets and stainless steel perforated sheets in satin, bright and painted finishes.

Perforated metal is a kind of sheet metal usually made with styles of perforating, embossing, slotting or checkered plates. The process of creating perforations is called perforating or punching. Perforated metal is a sheet or coil containing in itself holes punched according to a die pattern. Slotted perforated metal refers to metal sheets punched with a long narrow opening design. Embossing is a metal forming process for producing raised or sunken designs or relief in sheet material. Checkered plate, also known as Diamond plate, is a type of light-weight metal sheet perforated with a regular pattern of raised diamonds or lines.


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